Nearby Dekho

Cancellation Policy

At (ABOVE EDGE TECH SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED, we understand that plans can change, and sometimes you may need to cancel your order. This policy outlines our guidelines for cancellations to ensure a smooth and fair process for all our customers.

Order Cancellation:

a. Customers can cancel their order anytime before it is confirmed by the restaurant or food establishment.

b. Once the order is confirmed by the restaurant, cancellation may not be possible or may be subject to certain conditions.

Cancellation Process:

a. To request a cancellation, please contact our customer support team at

b. Provide the order number and clearly state your request for cancellation.

c. Our customer support team will review your request and inform you of the cancellation eligibility.

Cancellation Eligibility:

a. Cancellation eligibility depends on the status of your order:

i. If the order is not yet confirmed by the restaurant, you may cancel without any penalties.

ii. If the order is confirmed, cancellation isn’t possible.

Cancellation Fees:

a. The cancellation fee, if applicable, will be communicated to you by our customer support team at the time of cancellation request.

Refunds for Cancellations:

a. If your order is eligible for cancellation and you have made a payment, we will process the refund as per our refund policy.

b. The refund amount may be subject to deductions for cancellation fees or other applicable charges.

Modifications to the Policy:

a. We reserve the right to modify or update this cancellation policy at any time.

b. Any changes to the policy will be posted on our website, and the revised policy will apply to all cancellation requests made after the effective date.

Please note that this cancellation policy is designed to ensure a fair and transparent process for both our customers and our partnered restaurants or food establishments. By using our services, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions outlined in this policy.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact our customer support team for further assistance.